Delius Fans Speak!
Here are a few on-line Delius fans who didn't mind sharing their
to a survey with you.
Although we may not always agree on everything, we share a common bond
an affinity for Delius' music.
Click here to see the survey questions
to answer them yourself.
John O'Neill
Bob Jakes Bruno
Peeters Charles Boegli
Alan Hemenway
A. Crosby Alex
Olve Tobiassen
Frank Andrus
David Grundy Yu
Nakajima Franz
Bill Snyder
Chihiro Ichikawa Ken
Duggan Jean
Gibson Steve Brown
Tony Watts
Mark Parry
David Bugbee
TJ Pridonoff Joe Shapiro David Grundy
Bill Thompson
- a) Bill Thompson
- b)
- c)
- d) Conroe, Texas USA
- e) 55 (as of 2008)
- f) Accountant
- g) I'm a fan of many kinds of music, including rock, pop,
folk, country, and jazz (see my Web Page for a detail list of my
favorites). I dislike the practice of categorizing music because I
it limits the listener's opportunity to have new musical experiences. I
play piano and bass guitar, and I enjoy writing songs and instrumental
compositions as a hobby. I also record MIDI music files, and am
to learn about computerized music.
- 1) The first Delius work I ever heard was "Summer Evening". It
was the
first track on a sampler album called "The Inimitable Sir Thomas
on Seraphim. I was a teenager, and was in the process of trying to hear
works by great composers I was not familiar with. Through the music
"Summer Evening", Delius transported me to the verandah in Solano Grove
to watch the sun setting over the St. Johns River, and I was
The next work on the album was the "Prelude to Irmelin", which had a
magical effect. I was hooked!
- 2) I found other Delius LP's conducted by Beecham, and also read
biography of Delius. I visited Jacksonville and Solano Grove in 1972. I
joined the Delius Association of Florida, later becoming a Life Member.
I'm also a Life Member of the Delius Society of Philadelphia. Over the
years, I have collected a large number of Delius recordings, many of
I donated to the Music Collection at Texas A&M University.
- 3) My favorite works by Delius: "KOANGA", "Sea Drift",
Suite", and his early compositions. I obviously favor his "American"
but have never heard any Delius I didn't like! My favorite recordings
those conducted by Fenby, Beecham, Barbirolli and Groves - I am not as
familiar with the recordings done during the 1990's. Another of my
is the Dutton Labs CD conducted by Geoffrey Toye from the 1920's. It is
amazing to realize that Delius himself heard these recordings, and the
sound has been digitally restored and remastered beautifully.
- 4) I hope that someday "Hiawatha" will be restored, recorded by
and released on CD. I would also love to hear a restored version of the
early String Quartet from the 1880's. Other early works should be
for recording, such as the "Petite Suite for Orchestra" - maybe David
will do some more World Premieres for us! I would also love to see
produced for VIDEO release - I believe it would prove to be popular.
- 5) Prior to March 1998, the only Delius I had heard live was "The
to the Paradise Garden." At the 1998 Delius Festival in Jacksonville, I
was privileged to hear excellent performances of several Delius choral
works, including selections from "Songs of Sunset", "Songs of
"Hassan", and "Koanga." This delightful concert by The Solano Singers
by Brenda McNieland was a musical highlight of my life thus far, and
I had waited many years for! In 2003 I heard a magnificent
performance of "Sea Drift" in Houston, Texas. Then in 2004
I returned to Jacksonville - The Delius Festival that year included
several orchestral performances by the JSO conducted by David
Lloyd-Jones, as well as choral and chamber works. In 2007,
"Sleigh Ride" was performed by the Conroe Symphony Orchestra at my
request. I am hoping to hear much more Delius in the future!
- 6) My other favorite composers are Grainger, Warlock, Joplin,
Tchaikovsky, Liadov, Borodin and Gottschalk. I am continuing to
other composers, including Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. I prefer the
and impressionist periods, but also enjoy earlier composers such as
Beethoven and Brahms.
- 7) In my opinion, Delius is the most successful composer of all
emotionally with his listeners. His works transcend categories and are
timeless. I echo the sentiments of Eric Fenby, who felt that Delius was
limited only by his hatred of Christianity - if Delius had been a
what even more glorious music he could have created! But I choose to
and enjoy his beautiful gifts to the world of music on their own terms.
Jeff Gower
a) Jeff Gower
c) no web page
d) Gainesville, Florida, USA
e) 47 (as of 2008)
f) Chemistry Instructor
g) Music is my main hobby (I've played guitar for almost 40 years),
as well as movies (I am big fan of old westerns
from the '50s and '60s), reading (the Bible, musicological books,
British mysteries, chemistry/physics, and poetry), and biking (my main
form of exercise, and something I enjoy as much today as I did as a
1) first Delius work ever heard, and reaction? - The first time I
actively listened to Delius, it was "Brigg Fair" by Beecham. My
reaction was a mixture of rapt admiration and confusion - the elusive
harmonies threw me off at first, but the soundworld of Delius, in its
most subtle and elusive and meandering glory, became a revelation
to me and continues to be so today.
2) how did I further develop interest in Delius' music? - That
first Beecham LP was my only Delius recording for several years. There
were no record shops in my town that had a decent classical section, so
there just were not any other Delius records to buy. But after going to
a public-radio LP sale one year, I managed to buy (at a few dollars
apiece) several other Delius LPs, and mail-order CD vendors made so
many more Delius recordings available to me. I met many other
Delians via the internet and was able to attend the annual Delius
Festivals in Florida, meeting other kind Delians.
3) which are my favorite Delius works? - This is an incredibly
difficult question, of course. But a few of the works that consistently
move me deeply, regardless of how often and when I hear them, are the
short tone poems and opera intermezzi ("Cuckoo", "Summer Night",
"Summer Garden", "F&G Intermezzo", "Irmelin Prelude", "La Calinda",
"Paradise Garden", etc. - these were the first Delius I heard and still
are my favorites) and Mass of Life. I love "Song of the High Hills",
the "Florida" suite, and the song cycles "Songs of Sunset" and "Songs
of Farewell". Unlike many Delians, I also love the concerti greatly -
the Piano is one that, to me, deserves a place in the great romantic
piano concerti of all time; and I know the Violin concerto like the
back of my hand. I even like the Cello and Double concerti. And the
Violin sonatas are wonderful. Oddly enough, I don't care as much for
Appalachia and Sea Drift, two of his most-loved works. And since I am
not a fan of opera, the o nly operas that I listen to very often at all
are the two "American-themed" operas, "Koanga" and "Magic Fountain". I
do like the "Idyll" quite a bit, however. Favorite Delius
recordings/interpreters? If I had to choose one recording to take to a
desert island, it would be "Beecham Conducts Delius", for it contains
so many of my favorite works. Beecham has always been my favorite
Delius interpreter - his recordings never fail to move me the most. I
do enjoy the different approaches of Handley (quite a bit) and Hickox
(to a lesser extent) and others, but there are times when their Delius
recordings seem to fall flat to my ears. This is never the case with
Beecham. I do like the Mackerras Argos recordings alot, especially the
Tasmin Little Violin concerto recording - she is wonderful with Delius.
And the Holmes/Fenby violin sonatas recording is played quite
frequently. And Barbirolli! His slower tempi are a nice change
sometimes, plus the beautiful sound he gets from the orchestra. My
favorite "Mass of Life" recording is Groves - that CD also includes the
Songs of Sunset" with the wonderful Janet Baker and John Shirley-Quirk
- can't go wrong with those two! Oh, and the wonderful "Fenby Legacy"
CD-set, and the beautiful Elysian Singers' Complete Part Songs CD. So
many to mention, but these are some favorites.
4) which works are on "wish-list" (either not heard or want new
recordings of) - Well, any unperformed works like "Hiawatha" are of
interest. And a CD re-issue or new recording of "Irmelin" would be
nice. A new performance of "Idyll" would also be welcome. And I hate to
say it, but another "Mass of Life" interpretation would be welcome -
with a better mix of the choir and orchestra (I thought the Hickox CD
had the choir too up-front in the recording). Also, I have a CD of Ian
Partridge singing some Delius and Gurney songs - I really like his
singing and would welcome another CD of Delius songs by the Partridges.
5) Delius works heard performed live? - just a few: I heard the
Jacksonville Symphony do "The Walk to the Paradise Garden"; and I heard
Tasmin Little perform the sonatas at one of the Delius Festivals, as
well as the Bridge Quartet performing some Delius; and I heard a
wonderful performance of the 2nd violin sonata by the Krosnicks at
Jacksonville University; and some gorgeous choral singing by the Solano
Singers in Jacksonville; and a wind-band arrangement of "First Cuckoo"
in Northampton, Massachusetts.
6) other composers/types of music that I like? - Copland, Bantock,
Faure, Mompou, Messiaen, and some others; as far as
non-classical, I love the music of Terje Rypdal, Jan Akkerman, Mike
Oldfield, Larry Cansler, Todd Rundgren, Kate Bush, Bjork, Bob Dylan,
Jimmy Webb, and many others.
7) While I can fully understand why Delius' music might not appeal
to many, his is some of the most consistently-moving music I have ever
heard - I will never tire of hearing his incomparable tone poems and
other works. The elusive and meandering nature of the harmonies are
like nothing else in the music world.
- a) NISHIHARA Satoshi ("NISHIHARA" is my family name)
- b)
- c)
- d) Fuchu-Akigun, Hiroshima, Japan
- e) as you like it
- f) Computer Engineer
- g) I'd played electric guitar and soprano, alto saxophone till
days of
Hiroshima University, in a progressive rock group, some pop rock bands,
jazz group and wind orchestras. My favorites are old detective stories:
John Dickson Carr, Japanese detective story, and any other book reading
(various categories), Smalltalk, SuperCard, Macintosh, etc.
- 1) first Delius work ever heard, and reaction? - Sir Thomas'
on NHK-FM radio station, about 1978. It was breathless. The day after I
bought Sir John's Delius Album on Toshiba-EMI.
- 2) how did I further develop interest in Delius' music? -
and books mentioned about Delius (but got a few). Translated Fenby's
Delius book to Japanese (of "The Great Composers" from Faber &
which was not printed. Joined The Delius Society.
- 3) which are my favorite Delius works? - Especially his vocal
music I
John Shirley-Quirk's "Cynara" and "Idyll" are the milestones, I think.
- 4) which works are on wish-list (either not heard or want new
of) - All of his songs, early works. The Complete Collection of his
- 5) Delius works heard performed live? - None. And I'm very sorry
that Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra's performing of Delius' Orchestra
About 1980, Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos had conducted "Paradise Garden"
Philharmonia Orchestra at Tokyo in Japan. I'd heard it on FM radio, it
was a very great river music.
- 6) other composers/types of music that I like - Various kinds of
or musician, especially Gong, Magma, Area, Canterbury Tree, Dagmar
YOSHIDA Minako, Tipographica, Spank Happy, Borodin, Bartok, Prokofiev,
Warlock, RVW, Elgar, Lucia Popp, UCHIHASHI Kazuhisa, Otomo Yoshihide,
- 7) Any other comments on the music of Delius - Some people say
is a forgotten composer", and record companies in Japan have been
Delius music. Ok. To paraphrase King Crimson, "Deliusless and Bible
- if there is no Delius music, the world is sunk in darkness.
Rob Barnett
- b)
- c) N/a
- d) Western Isles, Scotland, UK
- e) 44 (as of 1997)
- f) Unemployed
- g) Editor of British Music Society newsletter
- 1) I think it was Walk to the Paradise Garden (but can’t be sure)
- not
all that impressed on first hearing - too static.
- 2) Through a friend who played me the CBS mid price LP of
(I think) Eventyr - both Beecham. I liked Appalachia and was especially
struck by the banjo evocation which appears so vividly about five
into the piece.
Later I was completely won over by hearing Delius’ music in context
with a BBC broadcast of James Elroy Flecker’s ‘Hassan’ circa 1971/2 - a
wonderful experience. We (my friend and I) played and played that tape.
The combination of music, words and radio was very powerful. I liked
savagery of Eventyr and still do and also North Country Sketches.
After this while a student in Bristol I heard on LP the Groves
of A Mass of Life and was struck by the life-enhancing massive
climaxes in the first movement. I am glad I managed to find the Norman
del Mar Intaglio CD while it was still available.
Later I came to enjoy the Violin Concerto - the Sammons performance
is wonderful - not captivated by the Pougnet. Ida Haendel’s Proms
with Rozhdestvensky should really be issued on CD. The most impressive
Delius for me is the Song of the High Hills. I came to know this
the Beecham recording but also love the Rozhdestvensky which I enjoyed
on tape for years before the BBC CD was issued.
- 3) Favorite works:
- Song of the High Hills
- Violin Concerto
- Cello Sonata
- Eventyr
- Sleigh Ride
- Mass of Life
- 4) I would like to have a CD (well 2 really) of the BBC Hassan
complete with the play and with the additional music also broadcast at
the same time. Does anyone have a really good stereo tape of this? I
the BBC would release tapes of Ida Haendel in the Violin Concerto.
- 5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live? None
I can recall.
- 6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like?
- Tchaikovsky Sym 4 Francesca
- Moeran Symphony
- Roy Harris Sym 7
- William Schuman Sym 3 Violin Cto
- Arnold Bax Symphonies 2 5 6 Winter Legends
- Allan Pettersson Syms 6 7 8
- Hanson Syms 1-6 + Beowulf
- Atterburg Nystroem (Sinfonia Del Mare)
- 7) Any other comments on the music of Delius? Sometimes far too
but as you can see some of his works I prize very highly.
Steven Rauket
- a) Steven A. Rauket
- b)
- c) n/a
- d) Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
- e) 49 (as of 1997)
- f) nuclear operator
- g) I have worked in the music business as a composer, pianist,
arranger, journalist and teacher. As a performer I was Canadian
at the International Electone (organ) Festival in Japan, 1981. As a
composer I have written a piano concerto, string quartet, and a theme
variations for orchestra on an English folk song (inspired by Delius’
Fair), among other things.
- 1) I believe this was On hearing the first cuckoo in Spring. What
me about this was Delius’ unique sense of form and his very personal
- 2) I think the best of Delius is the smaller scale works for
such as Brigg Fair, In a Summer Garden, The Walk to the Paradise
etc. The larger choral works, the piano concerto, and the operas are,
my ears, musically uneven as to musical substance, although they
the same wonderful handling of the orchestra (especially the
An underrated piece is the violin concerto, which has many beautiful
before becoming a bit long-winded near the end. The early March Caprice
and Sleigh Ride are charming fin-de-siecle pieces.
- 3) Austin, in his excellent section on Delius from his book on
music, remarks that Delius is one composer who really needs sympathetic
interpreters. For me these are Beecham and Barbirolli. I have an old
LP of stereo recordings by Beecham, recorded in the fifties- these are
idiosyncratic but fine versions of the pieces, although a couple are
by truly horrendous splices. EMI has reissued Barbirolli’s recordings
the 60’s on CD, and this set is, I think, the definitive introduction
Delius’ music. Of newer offerings there is a CD by the BBC Symphony
Andrew Davis that is quite good, although 23 minutes are devoted to
The Song of a Great City, which to my ears, is musically banal (the
is luxuriant in the style of RichardStrauss, whose scores Delius must
- 4) I would like to hear more of the chamber music, especially the
quartets. I have not heard any of the songs for voice and piano, of
I believe Delius wrote a fair number.
- 5) n/a
- 6) I like anything that’s good. Bad music gives me a headache.
- 7) One listens in vain to Delius for the immense profundities and
of emotional expression contained in works like the late Beethoven
the great C major synphony of Schubert, or the Symphony K.550 of Mozart
(my favourite music-B.H. Haggin called this symphony "one of the
wonders achieved by human powers"). I think the best summation of
achievement is the quote that Edvard Grieg made about his own work: "
like Bach and Beethoven erected churches and temples on the heights. I
wanted , as Ibsen says in one of his last dramas, to build dwellings
men in which they might feel at home and happy".
Tore Frantzvåg Steenslid
- a) Tore Frantzvåg Steenslid
- b)
- c)
- My Delius page is located at
- d) I am currently living in Volda, Norway.
- e) 24 (as of 1997)
- f) Student
- g)
- 1) I honestly don't know which Delius work I heard first. The
I remember the title of is his Cuckoo. It took some time before I got
involved with his music, so I can't have reacted very much after my
- 2) It's only the last few years that I have had such an interest
in his
music. I have a general interest in British music, so it was naturally
for me to take an interest in Delius. I started with the most famous
(Paradise garden, Cuckoo etc) which I liked very much. Another reason
my interest in him is the Norwegian connection. He wrote music that was
very influenced by my country. His Eventyr and Norwegian suite are
the Delius works that mean most to me.
3) Some favourites:
Eventyr, Norwegian suite, The Walk to the paradise garden, Florida
What are your favorite Delius recordings?
That's an easy question: The 7CD collection on Unicorn-Kanchana and
the 2CD collection on EMI by Barbirolli.
Favorite interpreters of Delius' music?
Fenby, Barbirolli, Hickox.
- 4) I would like to hear Koanga. I would also like to get a CD
of Irmelin.
- 5) I have never heard any of his music performed live.
- 6) Some other favourites are Tippett, Britten, Harty, Elgar,
Maxwell Davies, Purcell, Beethoven and many more.
Graeme Fyfe
- a) Graeme Fyfe
- b)
- c)
- d) Scotland
- e) 34 (as of 1997)
- f) Teacher
- g) I play the bass guitar well, and potter about on guitar. I
have just
taken up the oboe.
- 1) Songs of Farewell back in 1985. I thought it was fantastic.
- 2) In those days I was unemployed and listened to BBC Radio 3 a
lot. I
avidly bought the "Radio Times" each week (it gave precise details in
days, not like now!) to see what was on, and soon filled some 50
with music.
- 3) My top five are probably, in order, Songs of Farewell A Mass
of Life
Intermezzo from Fennimore And Gerda To be Sung of a Summer Night on the
Water Air and Dance
- 4) Due to poor recording quality, I taped over several short
I've not heard since - Zum Carnival, Paa Viderne and Dance for
spring to mind. One piece I've never heard is Summer Evening. Otherwise
I've got most of his works somewhere.
- 5) I don't go to many concerts, but I've seen performances of A
Mass of
Life and the Concerto for Violin and Cello at the BBC Proms.
- 6) I'm afraid Delius is only perhaps my fouth favourite composer!
Vaughan Williams, Debussy and Holst all much more highly. I was brought
up on rock music and have wide tastes from The Marine Girls to
(no, I'm not joking), Buzzcocks to Kate Bush. I greatly enjoy the jazz
fusion music of John McLaughlin / Mahavishnu Orchestra.
- 7) I heard they were playing Delius over the tannoy system on the
stations in some city in the North-East of England with the aim of
vandals. I think they were supposed to hate it so much they'd go away
not return!
Nick Orta
- a) Nick Orta
- b)
- c) N/A
- d) Miami, Florida
- e) 34 (as of 1997)
- f) Musician
- g) no
- 1) On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring was the first work I
heard. I
was blown away by Delius' style. His sense of harmony was unlike
I had heard up to that time.
- 2) Since I was so blown away, I decided I had to get my hands on
any of
his recorded works. I've rarely been disappointed by his music.
- 3) It's hard to rank them, but I'll give it a shot: Song of the
Sea Drift, Brigg Fair, A Mass of Life, A Village Romeo & Juliet,
from "Fennimore & Gerda", Appalachia, On Hearing the First Cuckoo
Spring, Cello Concerto, 2 Aquarelles, Fennimore & Gerda, The
chorus from "Hassan", Walk to the Paradise Garden, Requiem, In A Summer
Garden, A Song of Summer, I-Brasil, Violin Concerto, Idyll, Florida
An Arabesque, Double Concerto, String Quartet, The Magic Fountain,
Koanga, A Song of Summer, North Country Sketches, Piano Concerto, Songs
(prefer the orchestral songs), part-songs, Air and Dance, Irmelin, and
I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch. My favorite recordings are A Mass of
(Hickox), Song of the High Hills (Fenby), Appalachia (Hickox), the
Fennimore and Gerda (Hickox). I guess Hickox is my favorite
Then Fenby, and Serbrier's recent performance of the orchestral songs
- 4) Would love to have Koanga recorded. Also would like to hear
of Hassan,The Magic Fountain, AVillage Romeo and Juliet, The String
Appalachia and Sea Drift.
- 5) I've heard live performances of: Cuckoo, Intermezzo from
Gerda, Walk to the Paradise Garden; La Calinda.
- 6) Some of my other favorite composers are Prokofiev, Korngold,
Warlock,Respighi, Ravel, Handel, Bach, Purcell, to name a few.
- 7) No matter how many other composers I've come across, Delius'
touches me the most.
Michael Wittenburg
- a) Michael Wittenburg
- b)
- c) no personal page as yet
- d) Rochester, NY; recently graduated from Master's program at the
School of Music
- e) 24 (as of 1997)
- f) Music Director of a small Presbyterian church.
- g) I hope to one day be a renowned concert pianist and/or
- 1) I read a review of Richard Hickox (sp.?) and the Bournemouth
'Walk to the Paradise Garden' CD in the BBC Music Magazine. The
of the music sounded like something I would really enjoy, the writing
that evocative. This led me to go to the local record store which
one to listen to recordings before purchasing, and I picked up the
disc set of Sir John Barbarolli and the Halle Orchestra performing
two and a half hours of music (since the Hickox recording wasn't even
stock). The first work on the recording was Brigg Fair, and I don't
the last time I was so completely blown away. I get tingles still just
thinking of how I became so completely immersed in the music at the
of the chime at the beginning of variation 8 or 9, the one that starts
off with pizzicato celli and then has the violins enter with the melody
in tight high harmonies with the seconds and violas. And then that
following variation which uses all six horns in what I have since read
Fenby describe as 'the greatest climax in tonal music.' I have since
to conduct the piece in front of a reading orchestra, and I can tell
the feeling was absolutely incredible. I anxiously await the day I can
conduct the piece in concert.
- 2) The Barbarolli recording with the Halle Orchestra is probably
It also includes some fine take from the rehearsals leading up to
and is very eerie to hear the voice of a man who would be dead less
a month afterwards.
- 3) Brigg Fair will always be my favorite because it was the first
I ever heard of Delius'. Second would be the Walk to the Paradise
Third would be his song for tenor that he wrote before going blind, "A
Late Lark." Absolutely stunning emotionally, it is. Fourth for me is
Double Concerto. It's really hard for me to place it this low, as it
me very emotional every time I hear it. Fifth is the Piano Concerto, a
piece I intend to use as a vehicle. Sixth is Sea Drift, which I place
slightly above Appalacia, both splendid works for orchestra/chorus. The
cello concerto is a very strong work, only the violin concerto do I
I need to listen more to, to really appreciate it. Paris is very
and the list goes on and on. I really have only scratched the surface
his output, but considering I only discovered him about 4 years ago, I
have made up for lost time, I think.
- Barbarolli really makes Delius live, but of course, one can't
championing of him. The only recording of his I don't like is of the
Concerto with Mrs. Beecham as soloist. The orchestra sounds woefully
and Mrs. Beecham is continually drowned out.
- 4) I have an LP of the three violin sonatas performed by a former
teacher of mine, Derry Deane. I am ashamed that I have never even
the plastic on it, because I received it as a gift from her when I was
about 15 or 16, and I decided that all 20th century music was bad (I
thinking about Rachmaninoff at the time, mind you, and I'd never heard
Daphnis and Chloe, Firebird, etc., etc.) I heard one of the sonatas on
the radio the other day, published posthumously, and I knew when I
it that I loved it. I was so pleased to learn it was Delius when it
I want to really learn these pieces, and the violin concerto, and I
love to hear a complete opera such as Village Romeo and Julliet.
- 5) Sadly I have never heard any of his works performed live. He's
not programmed in the U. S.
- 6) Delius is kind of the 'poster child' of the composers I really
I really like to listen to music that is neglected or quickly written
by the public with silly words by critics such as "erratic"
"incoherent". Usually the critics decide that since they don't
then no one will understand. I feel the same about Arnold Bax, Franz
Edward MacDowell, the Symphonies of Schumann (I think it should be a
to not love them), etc. Basically, I really enjoy 'heart on their
composers, although I must say Wagner is my exception. I grow tired of
him rather fast...maybe because of the daunting size of his works.
- 7) I am so glad to see more and more web sites
Delius. Two years ago, I don't think there were any, and I did try to
them. I think it's a shame that he has been neglected so long, but
to the work of his widow, Jelka, the seeds HAVE been sown so that we
enjoy his works for a long time to come. Keep up the good work!
Harry Froehlich
- a) Dr. Harry Froehlich
- b)
- c) None
- d) Augsburg, Germany
- e) 40 (as of 1998)
- f) Literary scholar, edition of the works of Eichendorff
- g) anglophil, but pardon my bad English
- 1) The first work I heard was "A village Romeo &
Juliet" from
the EMI/WorldRecords 6 LP album "The Music of Delius - Vol. 2: The
Years" (Beecham/RPO). I had read in a book ("Abend mit Goldrand",
version: "Evening edged in Gold") by one of my famous German authors,
Schmidt (1914-1979), a complaint that there's so little Delius in the
I went to a small but delicate recordshop and bought the 'yellow
This happenend 1985. It was love at first hearing, but it has grown
more over the years.
- 2) Of course, I became a fan - and since then I have collected
record or CD (esp. the earlier years, because I think that mono-sound
well to Delius' nostalgia).
- 3) The music of my life is "Appalachia" - for me the greatest
music I
ever heard; I also love "Seadrift", "Songs of Sunset", "Songs of
the violin concerto, "Koanga", "The Magic Fountain" and all of the
works, esp. "In a Summer Garden". Delius was never a disappointment to
me. - Sir Thomas Beecham is best, I think. Although he often has fast
he is most intensive (and he has the loveliest voices in the vocal
But not to forget Sir John Barbirolli. The double CD-Set by EMI
heartbreaking interpretations. One of the most beautiful and most
albums ever made I think is "The Fenby Legacy". Not at least because of
the RPO, my favourite orchestra and the one with the most perfect
sound (also excellent: Hallé). I like Groves, too, and Handley,
less Hickox and Mackerras.
- 4) My wish list: A new recording of "Koanga" (I only possess a
of a Charles Groves recording from 1972). Shall we ever hear
A CD-set of all of his songs (with carefully chosen voices please, I'm
not satisfied with most of the newer interpretations) is needed, also
of his string quartet and chamber music. Mr. Lloyd-Jones should do
Naxos-CD of the marvellous early works.
- 5) I saw "Fennimore & Gerda" in Bielefeld (Germany). A
production by John Dew. Sadly, Germany is still rather ignorant of
music. We have Wagner and therefore we are content!
- 6) I love the music of Harty, Vaughan Williams, Elgar, Finzi,
Holst and
Bantock, also Barber and Copland. Not to forget: Bob Dylan and Van
- 7) There's no other composer like Delius. With him alone I can
this life, because he never grew bitter (in his works), although he
us of separations, partings and death. He gives me quietness, outside
Alan Brandt
- a) Alan Brandt
- b)
- c) no web page
- d) Illinois, now in Louisville for the last 9 years.
- e) 33 (as of 1998)
- f) Producer/Classical for WUOL Public Radio
- g) I'm also a bass soloist at a Louisville church.
- 1) First Delius I heard - I was a student announcer at WGLT at
State University and did two jazz shows and two classical shows a week.
I originally intended to be a jazz announcer, but started to get hooked
on the selections the music director programmed for my classical shift.
One that really caught my ear was Beecham's recording of Paris: the
of a Great City. I was captivated by the work's tonal storytelling. I
was hooked on classical and became a classical announcer in no small
due to our dear old Fritz.
- 2) Further development of interest - About the same time I heard
Delius I became a huge Kate Bush fan and started buying her older
one of which includes a song about Delius (the song is based on Fenby's
reminiscenses, if I remember correctly). I thought if Kate loved Delius
I've got to check out more of his stuff out!
- 3) Favorite Delius works - Paradise Garden is #1 without a doubt.
announcer played it one time while I was driving and I just started to
cry because of its great beauty, even though I'd heard it a hundred
before - Delius still gets me right there, you know? I love the Irmelin
Prelude and F&G Intermezzo almost equally with The 1st Cuckoo.
Suite follows closely (By the River is my favorite movement). I'd also
rank Young Venevil, I-Brazil, Twilight Fancies and The Splendour Falls
on Castles Walls up there, too. I love the violin and piano concerti
(Tasmin Little is wonderful!). Songs of Farewell and Songs of
There's really too much to mention here. Sorry! Beecham does a superb
I like Wm. Boughton's Florida Suite recording on Nimbus. Barbirolli is
great too.
- 4) Wish List - New recordings of the operas (although I finally
got all
of them on CD!) New version of Koanga. I want M. Davies F&G on CD;
I only have the lps. Anything that hasn't yet made it to CD yet. I
also like more vocalists to record the songs. I wish Schwartzkopf had
them - oh well! I like soprano and baritone versions better than
I want a better CD version of the Dance for Harpsichord than the
one. Igor Kipnis recorded it once, but I can't find it on CD. I liked
version better than Ralph K.
- 5) Louisville has had only a couple live performances of Delius
in the
past 9 years, and I've heard both on tape while preparing them for
Paradise Garden and the Violin Sonata # 2.
- 6) Other composers I like: Delius speaks to my heart, Mozart
speaks to
my head. Beethoven, Schubert Haydn all close together (I'm getting to
Beethoven's piano sonatas really well now). Chopin, Gottchalk, Vaughan
Williams, Rossini operas and Handel oratorios, etc,etc,etc.
- 7) Additional Delius comments: In all my fifteen years as a
and producer I have yet to find another musical voice that speaks
language. As each year comes and goes I become increasingly amazed how
unique his music is. There was no Delius school of music; even
Serenade is a superficial copy of the Delian "sound". How special that
is! It's sad that he is not as popular as I think he should be (his
should overshadow Brahms', that's for sure!), but in reverse I feel
I'm a part of a "small" group of friends that know a beautiful, secret
truth. It's ours to enjoy forever and if other people want to join in,
fine. But they have to understand it first. Because of my position,
been able to program Delius at least once every other day, on the
Many people have called me after I played a Delius piece wanting to
how to get a copy. In the past 3 weeks alone I've played "In a Summer
the piano concerto, "Song Before Sunrise", Cynara (I LOVE that one!),
Irmelin Prelude, the violin concerto, the Legende and today I played
Matthew's Romeo and Juliet Suite. The midday announcer played the
Suite last week. So, we're doing our part to spread the word in the
area! If you're in the Greater Louisville area, tune in 90.5 FM. I'm on
6AM-11AM and 9PM-11PM weekdays. Thank you for your interest.
Mel Groper
- a) Mel Groper
- b)
- c) N/A
- d) Kanata,Ontario,Canada
- e) some days young,some days old
- f) comptroller for a company that specializes in the health care
- g) I have an eclectic taste in music--classics,jazz,folk,big band
- 1) The first Delius work was SEADRIFT, but it was the story of
life that fascinated me. Lister Sinclair of The Canadian Broadcasting
gave a 10 minute synopsis of Delius' life. It so interested me that I
him at the radio station and we had a 15 minute talk about Delius and
gave me the name of Fenby's book. I then went to a local record shop
bought my first Delius record, FLORIDA SUITE and to a book shop to
Fenby's book.
- 2) I am not a musician but I know what makes me feel good--so I
for more recordings(which were not easy to find) but over a period of
years acquired a goodly number of Delius' compositions and I kept
to them--just wonderful.
- 4) I would like to hear some the contemporary conductors record
- 5) none
- 6) Vaughan Williams/Percy Granger /Bach/Beethoven and any music
cause my teeth to ache.
- 7) A pleasure to listen to his music--it gives me a good feeling.
John O'Neill
- a) John O'Neill
- b)
- c) N/A
- d) Lakeridge, VA (via Richmond, VA, via Tampa, FL, via Garden
City, NY,
via Dublin, Ireland. . .I was born there).
- e) 37 (as of 1999)
- f) Accountant
- g)
- 1) Stumbled upon Delius quite by accident after picking up an IMP
CD of Sir Charles Groves conducting the English Sinfonia in a program
miniatures (Elgar, Ravel, Faure, Satie). Picked the disk up mostly for
Faure's "Masques et Bergamasques" and Warlock's "Capriol Suite" but was
immediately enchanted by the one Delius piece which found it's way onto
the disc. . ."On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring". It was so
from anything I'd heard before. I found it rather fluid and
like much of the Debussy orchestral pieces which I enjoy so much. But
music had a whole different sense of melody and harmony to it. Very
- 2) This one piece was enough to prompt me to seek out more
material. He
is very poorly represented in the local shops. Luckily the first disc I
picked up of his music quickly became a favorite in my collection. . .
"Delius Miniatures" on EMI with Richard Hickox conducting the Northern
Sinfonia. This disc is a delight and just provided more of that
sound I had heard on the Groves disc. Especially enjoyed the
of Sleigh Ride (what a charming piece), La Calinda, the Prelude from
and Summer Night on the River. Of course this disc just prompted me to
seek out more. . .
- 3) Wouldn't attempt to rank them. Love all the miniatures but I
to say my favorite is the Florida Suite. I have two recordings of this:
the Nimbus with William Boughton (talk about lush) and the new Naxos
featuring David Lloyd-Jones conducting the English Northern
Picked this one for $5.99 just to have the premiere recordings of the
Printemps, and the Scherzo from the Suite de Orchestra. The Florida
receives another wonderful performance, if not as lush as the Boughton.
As for favorite interpreters. . .well the Beecham 2 disc set on EMI is
wonderful and I have to give those top ranks. But I also love the
(I have also added his Chandos disc featuring The Walk to the Paradise
Garden, the two Dance Rhapsodies, In a Summer Garden, and the brilliant
North Country Sketches). I've only had one disappointment in the Delius
material I have picked up so far. . .London has a two disc set with Sir
Neville Marriner and the Academy of Saint Martin-in-the-Fields
the works of Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Warlock, Butterworth, and Delius.
While most of the material is wonderful the Delius is often taken a bit
too quickly for my taste. For example his Walk to the Paradise Garden
in a full minute and a half shorter than the Hickox, and the Summer
on the River a full minute shorter than Hickox's (that's a big
when you're talking a "miniature" to begin with.)
- 4) I've yet to find a recording of the Norwegian Suite. Any
Are there currently any in print? Also I've been negligent in exploring
the concertos, chamber, and choral works.
- 5) None, unfortunately. . .
- 6) I like most classical music. . . some favorites. . . Faure,
Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Copland, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Saint-Saens, too
to list really. . .
7) Nothing more really. . .just wish his recordings were easier
to find and his works were performed live more often.
Bob Jakes
- a) Bob Jakes
- b)
- c) none
- d) Troy, MI (via Canada, Thailand, Texas, Illinois & Kentucky)
- e) 52 (as of 1999)
- f) Computer Consultant
- 1) Probably, "On Hearing The First Cuckoo in Spring". I don't
my reaction (this was the mid '60s), but it started my interest in his
- 2) By visiting the local library & borrowing the record they
Florida Suite / Over The Hills & Far Away - Beecham conducting),
buying any record I could at the local (store (plus some in other
- 3) There are so many - however, I'd rank them as follows
- Brigg Fair (best recording - Beecham's, of course)
- Dance Rhapsody # 2 (same as above)
- Song of the High Hills (the one with Eric Fenby conducting)
- Paris (Beecham again)
- Koanga (the entire opera)
>From this, you can assume my favorite interpreter of Delius' music
is Sir Thomas Beecham!
- 4) My wish list is for a reissuing of every Beecham recording on
Koanga. I need to replace my LP collection. I cannot think of any work
I do not have in my collection, except for A Poem of Life and Love
- 5) I've only "heard" Brigg Fair live (in fact, I played clarinet
in an
orchestra in Edmonton, AB that performed it)
- 6) French impressionists (Debussy, Ravel), plus a lot of Russian
(i.e. Rachmaninov, Rimsky Korsakov, Gliere) & other French
such as Cesar Franc & Chausson.
- 7) I wish it was performed more over here in the US - after all,
he did
spend his early life here which produced at least one of my favorites
Bruno Peeters
a) bruno peeters
d) brussels, belgium
e) 46 (as of 1999)
f) notary clerk
g) also critic in the music magazine "crescendo"; SF
fan too
1) walk to the paradise garden. marvellous poetic
2) buying his music on LP then on CD; visit
member of the British Music Society
3) violin concerto, irmelin prelude, in a summer
on hearing the fist cuckoo in spring, the song of the high hills, a
of summer, a village romeo and juliet, dance rhapsodies, hassan, brigg
fair, florida suite, sea drift, fenimore and gerda, the magic fountain,
eventyr , songs of farewell, idyll, cynara, a late lark, string
4) irmelin, complete. the violin sonatas. koanga.
6) british : RVW, Holst, Bax, Ireland, Finzi, Bliss,
Elgar, Tippett
french : berlioz, the franckists, massenet,
meyerbeer, les six, roussel, schmitt, messiaen
russians : glinka, the five, prokofiev, chostakovitch,
khatchaturian, glière
opera : gluck, mozart, spontini, verdi, puccini, strauss
pop : moody blues, wakeman, renaissance, alan parsons
project, procol harum, barclay james harvest, beatles
7) the greatest poetic british composer. The musician
of Summer, Sun, and Nature glory.
Charles Boegli
- a) Charles Paul Boegli
- b)
- c) (No web page)
- d) Blanchester, Ohio, near Cincinnati
- e) 78 (as of 1999)
- f) Retired engineer
- g) An engineer all my life with strong musical avocation (I play
- 1) I found the piano score of Sea Drift in the Cincinnati Library
1935 and spent a long time studying and playing it. The first recorded
work I ever heard was "In a Summer Garden" on 78s in the late 1930s. It
hypnotized me.
- 2) Acquired all the Delius Society 78s performed by Beecham, on
and RCA labels.
- 3) A Mass of Life, Appalachia, Sea Drift, and Song of the High
the fanciful section in the middle) are at the top of the list.
An Arabesque, the Piano Concerto are at the bottom. I consider
a better interpreter than Beecham.
- 4) There are few of his works I haven't heard, most of them
obscure or
abandoned. The early version of Appalachia (surtitled "An American
has been recorded, contrary to popular opinion, and I have a copy.
- 5) I never heard a live performance. Delius music is
exceptionally hard
to conduct and perform. An attempt to perform parts of A Mass of Life
the Cincinnati May Festival some years ago was a debacle.
- 6) I enjoy serious modern (i.e. written since 1900) music with
content -- which leaves a number of composers (like John Cage) out of
picture. I am >intellectually< interested in avant-garde music. I
John Adams's Harmonielehre the most important work this country has
in the past half century. I regret that Josef Marx has become so
and would gladly furnish copies of his Six Piano Pieces to any virtuoso
who wants to tackle them and send me a recording. Other favorites are
Schoenberg (pre-atonal period), Gustav Mahler, and Alexander Scriabine.
I enjoy Karol Szymanowski's Song of the Night but not his other works
- 7) Delius stands as a monument to individuality, just like
No one wrote music like that before or since, although Philip Heseltine
out-Deliused Delius in his birthday tribute, and Hadley attempted to
some elements of Delius's idiom into his works. It's very unfortunate
Delius's strong Germanic background, his atheism, the Wagnerian
obvious in his operas, and stubborn individuality have made him less
popular in England. Of course the moralists sneer over his disablement
by syphilis. But the fact that he continued composing when blind and
earns him every bit as much respect as is given to Beethoven for
after he was deaf.
Alan Hemenway
- a) Alan Hemenway
d) Portland, Oregon, USA (probably will return to Riverside,
e) 56, as of 1999.
f) Real Estate Appraiser turned Gov't apartment housing program
1) I heard "Over the Hills..." on the radio when I was 17. It mirrored
my sentiments.
2) I started checking my monthly radio program guide for Delius and
began tape recording his music. The exposure was mostly the typical
which I grew to love as it spoke to my heart as no other composer
Delius soon became my favorite composer. I ushered at the Philharmonic
Auditorium in Los Angeles and, lo and behold!, Delius was the favorite
of another usher. We got a birthday cake for the Delius Centennial that
was decorated "Happy Birthday, Delius 1864-1964". I also got KPFK to
"The Mass of Life" that night.
3) Favorites: Brigg Fair, Walk, Song of Summer, Summer Night,
for Violin, Violin Concerto, Appalachia (soloist & chorus), Hassan:
"We take the Golden Road... ", Florida, and more. The recent premier
of the Serenade for Violin is an absolute must. I just got the CD,
Fancies, from www.Berksire..., of Ruth Golden singing the Songs -
I can't figure why I can't catch-on to Seadrift and The Mass of Life;
to tears. I accepted Beecham when he was the only act in town but I
there are some more sensitive interpreters that are more recent;
doing the Florida, even Handley, as well as better engineering
They sound better than Beecham in softening a couple of ugly chord
that Delius used. If it wasn't for Beecham, we might not have heard
at all.
4) Difficulty getting a Cello Concerto from the distributor through
the Opus catalog.
5) The LA Phil did Irmelin Prelude about 36 years ago. I heard a
that the LA Phil did Brigg Fair some years ago and I am disappointed to
have missed it. Two years ago I heard the Pasadena Community Orchestra
do The Walk.
6) Vaughn-Williams, Debussy, Copland, Shostakovich 11th Sym,
Bruckner 4th & 9th, Mahler 4th, Strauss' Ein Heldenleben, Death
Transfiguration, and Don Juan, Wagner Ring cycle, Rimsky-Korsakov,
of the Romantic Period. Bach must have been inspired by the Holy Spirit
of God. Mozart and Hayden are too frivolous for me. I run to turn off
radio when Bolero, the Pacabel Canon, or Symphony Fantastique comes on.
I don't care much for Schmaltzinoff or Schmaltzofsky.
7) Promoting Delius, as a teenager, I ran into Gunther Schuller at
Wilshire-Ebell Theater in Los Angeles and I suggested that he include
in his musicology program on KPFK. He said that Delius didn't fit into
any category in the pattern of historical musical development. He might
as well have said that Delius was a one-of-a-kind aberration. We've
the same story from others. Well, I have recently come to the most
conclusion about Delius' music. Considering the fact that we can hear
traditional American negro music in Appalachia, Florida, and a few
listen closely and you will hear that most of his music is influenced
American negro music. Tongue in cheek; he's an AMERICAN composer!!!
over, George Gershwin; Koanga is in league with Porgy & Bess! I
that I can safely speculate that there was an ongoing heartache over
black mistress running off and Delius not being able to find their
son, especially as evidenced by his going through the trouble, with the
assistance of Jelka, of returning to Florida for the purpose of trying
to find his son. How long did the heartache continue? Did it influence
his music? Just listen to his music again with another ear and it may
a new meaning for you. I imagine that many of his melodies were
from the songs that the negro workers sang on his plantation. The Brits
aren't going to like all this. They probably won't hear the more subtle
negro influences. For black musicians, this should be a cause celebre.
Richard A. Crosby
a) Richard Allen Crosby
c) ---
d) Richmond, Kentucky (Eastern Kentucky University)
e) 42 (as of 2000)
f) Professor of Piano/ Music History
g) (see my AOL profile)
1) Appalachia/Brigg Fair (Barbirolli's last recording). I was
the sheer beauty of the harmonic language, the ability to depict
I've never gotten over it, in spite all ALL the music I've heard
the years.
2) I bought recordings, got to meet Eric Fenby for dinner when I was
London (he bought my meal!) and spent an hour talking about Delius
3) Sea Drift--Groves
Songs of Sunset--Groves
A Mass of Life (Groves)
In a Summer Garden (Barbirolli)
Walk to the Paradise Garden (Barbirolli)
4) N/A
5) The Mass of Life (Cleveland, 1977?) Songs of Farewell
early 1980s). Have performed the piano concerto and the Three Preludes
6) All types, particularly Late Romantic/Impressionistic
7) The music of Delius is a unique, rarified world of harmonic
His ability to depict the "transience of creaturely love" is without
parallel. It speaks to me more personally than any other composer
(Rachmaninoff and Debussy are close 2nd and 3rd place though!) It is
remarkable gift.
Alex Ullrich
(a) What is your
(b) What is your e-mail address?
(c) What is your Web Page URL (if applicable)? none yet
(d) Where are you
(e) What is your age (optional)? 16 (as
of 2000)
(f) Your
(g) Any other info about yourself you wish to include? i have 4
1) What was the first Delius work you ever heard? What was
reaction to it?
dance rhapsody....loved it...
2) How did you further develop an interest in Delius' music?
started looking for information on him after hearing dance
rhapsody...although i am far from educated in the field of Delius,
doesnt stop me from listening to midis or real audio wherever they're
3) Which are your favorite Delius works and in what order might you
them (if you're able to)? What are your
favorite Delius
recordings? Favorite interpreters
of Delius' music?
at the current time im mostly familiar with dance rhapsody and
hiawatha...i have yet to get a cd or other media with many of his
works...apparently his music is just as hard to find in stores as is
much of the other music i listen to
4) What works by Delius are on your "wish list" - what works
have you
not heard yet or would like to see a new recording of?
dance rhapsody....everything
5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live?
6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like?
goth, rock, ambient new age, and classical are the genres i tend to
stick to...some video games have intriguing sound tracks too.
7) Any other comments on the music of Delius?
it suprises me that it isnt as well known as it should be
Olve Tobiassen
a) Olve Tobiassen
c) N/A
d) Stavanger, Norway
e) 60 (as of 2000)
f) mechanical engineer, master of sience
g) a have developed a comprehensive database of my 1300 classical CD
collection and is
currently seeking information on performers. In this case: the voice
of Finn Bielenberg in the
Danish recording of "Fennimore and Gerda" - preferably FB's Biography.
1) I have the following works by Delius ( of which "Sea Drift" is my
- "In a Summer Garden"
- "North Country Sketches"
- "A Village Romeo and Juliet" - orchestral suite
- "Florida Suite" - suite for orchestra
- "Brigg Fair" - English rapsody
- "Sea Drift" - song for baritone, chorus and orchestra
- "The Walk to Paradis Garden" from the opera "A Village Romeo
and Juliet"
- "Fennimore and Gerda" complete opera
2) Having a 99% complete Edvard Grieg CD collection, I am interested
in his fellow composers
work - and also in Delius interest of The Nordic Countries
3) I will revert to this question when I know him and his work better
4) as above
5) none
6) operas and orchestral work by classical and contemporary composers
7) not yet
Frank Andrus
I have been a member of the Delius Society for many many years. I am
now retired and approaching age 68 (as of 2000). As a bit of history,
I was 13 years old, in 1941, I happened to turn on the radio and was
with some of the most beautiful classical music I had ever heard.
an announcer came on after the piece was finished and stated that they
had just played a recording of “Paris, The Song Of A Great City” by
Delius, performed by Sir Thomas Beecham with the London Philharmonic
I was enthralled, and went to my local record shop where I purchased
Delius Society Set No. 1 containing that recording (on 78 RPM of
That set introduced me to other Delius works, and before long I had
the other two Society Set s, which increased my love of Delius’ music
more. I began to search for other recordings of Delius music, and was
successful, even during World War II. All my life, I have been
moved by the wonderment of the music composed by this most gifted man.
Through the years, I have purchased every available recording of his
both in the USA and in Europe. Of course, I have now collected a great
number of CDs of the newest recordings, as well as the reissues of very
early Beecham Delius. (My favorite is still “Paris” in the 1934
I have purchased the Video of “Village Romeo” and I have read most of
biographies. When I was still in college, and also some years later, I
attended several live concerts conducted by Sir Thomas in the USA,
the program included works by Delius. Some years ago, my wife and I
the Delius house in Jacksonville, Florida. We also drove over 1000
to attend a performance of “A Village Romeo And Juliet” in Washington
(Frank Corsaro?). I must admit that I had to hold a handkerchief in my
hand during the entire opera, I was so overwhelmed by the music. I have
been delighted to be a member of The Delius Society through the years,
and have saved a great number of the Newsletters, special publications,
etc. My wife and I have now retired from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to a
community near Phoenix, Arizona. I continue to search for and relish
Delius recordings, and am sure I will do so as long as I live. I only
it had been possible for me to attend some of the Delius Society
both in the USA and in the UK. I shall always cherish what Delius has
to me for over 50 years.
David Grundy
a.) My name is David Grundy.
d) swindon, wiltshire, england
e) I am 12 (as of 2001)
f) Student
1.) The 1st Delius work I heard was on hearing the 1st cuckoo in
I liked it, but it gradually grew on me until I loved it.
2.) I also heard walk to the paradise garden, and so I borrowed a cd
of delius music from the library and was thrilled!
3.) My favourite works are; 1.) Brigg Fair
Here he has painted a wonderful picture of peace and serenity on a
summer's afternoon, with a cool, refreshing river flowing by.
2.) On hearing the 1st cuckoo in spring
THE most famous delius work, and justly so too.
4.) I would like to hear Appalaicha, sea drift... really, just all
the delius music I haven't heard!
6.) I like impressionist music (eg Debussy, Ravel) and Tchaikovsky
but my classical music taste encompasses many styles, from baroque to
7.) His pastoral music has no equal except among vaughan williams.
He paints beautiful musical pictures similar to Monet and his music
had the ability to totally relax.
Yu Nakajima
(a) Yu Nakajima
(d) Japan
(e) 41 (as of 2001)
(f) Secretary of the Music University
(g) I play the flute, sometimes I enjoy to play Delius's
Now a days I make many Delius MIDI data and you can listen from my
If you don't have Roland SC88Pro,it is available for you to get
file, you can listen high quality tone like CD. Please try.
1) I can not remember when I heard Delius music first, but I bought
Violin Sonata's LP about 15 or 20 years ago, so I really like it, every
day I repeated to listen. Every moment color, code is changing,
it is
sensitive, emotion is calm but directly I could receive Delius's
2) Then I bought LP (Orchestra music, conductor is Handley). I loved
this LP (few years later I bought CD of the same contents), I listen
many times. Then I decide to collect Delius's CD. And I found many
Delius works in the Library of University. Then I am making MIDI
this music from these.
3) My favorite Delius are Village of Romeo and Juliet, Cuckoo,
prelude, 2 Aquarelles, Sea Drift, Cello Concerto, Appalachia.....oh,
The best interpreters of Delius's music is Fenby! And Barbirolli,
Beecham, Recent conductor are Hickox, Mackeras, Handley.
4) First version of Piano concerto. This work has 3 movements, not
I found this score in my University's library, I try to make MIDI some
5) It is very difficult to listen live performance in Japan. Only
heard Violin Sonata No.3, it is played the flute. But performance was
the worst one....I was disappointed.
I belong the big amateur orchestra, I will try to ask our members to
play some of Delius music.
6) I like Sir Arnold Bax's music. I have many collection of his CD
LP. Elger, RVW also I love. And I like French composer, Debussy, Ravel,
Poulenc. Also I love Brahms, Wagner, Bruckner. Of course Bach, Mozart,
Beethoven. Now my new favorite is Webern. It's amazing!
7) Delius is my life. Every day I heard, play, make MIDI of his
His music has so many colors, like real life and nature. Great!
Sorry again, my English is awful. Thank you for reading!
Franz Goedecke
a) Franz Goedecke
d) Germany, Augsburg
e) 35 (as of 2001)
f) organbuilder
1) Brigg fair on Naxos
2) more CD's, contact to Dr. Harry Froehlich
3) Brigg Fair, Songs of Sunset
4) Appalachia, Koanga
6) Rachmaninov, Strauss, Scriabin, Mahler, Liszt, Wagner, Bax,
Schreker, Vierne, Tournemire, Franck, Bach
7) Delius to be performed in Munich
Bill Snyder
(a) What is your name? Bill Snyder
(c) What is your Web Page URL (if applicable)?
(d) Where are you from? Binghamton, NY
(e) What is your age (optional)? 47 (as of 2001)
(f) Your occupation? Classical Music Director for a Public Radio
(g) Any other info about yourself you wish to include?
1) What was the first Delius work you ever heard? First Cuckoo
Spring, I think.
What was your reaction to it? Intensely relaxing.
2) How did you further develop an interest in Delius' music? Found
LPs in a cut-out bin, then found a recording of KOANGA. A tenor
I knew did
3) Which are your favorite Delius works and in what order might you
them(if you're able to)? What are your favorite Delius recordings?
interpreters of Delius' music? Summer Night on the River is my
favorite. Calinda and Koanga's arias are great. Sleigh
Ride, of course, and many
of the smaller works. Choral music.
4) What works by Delius are on your "wish list" - what works have
not heard yet or would like to see a new recording of? Would
love a new recording
of KOANGA with Jeff Lavar in the title role.
5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live?
I don't
think I ever have.
6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like?
Wagner, Puccini, Rimsky-Korsakov, Massenet; Gilbert &
Sibelius and
Dvorak symphonies.
(a) What is your name?
(c) What is your Web Page URL (if applicable)?
(d) Where are you from?
(e) What is your age (optional)?
42 years old (as of 2001)
(f) Your occupation?
The researcher (The ASAHI BANK Ltd. assignment).
(g) Any other info about yourself you wish to include?
I am one of the site master of few DELIUS sites of Japan.
I am starting on English -ization of the site.
1) What was the first Delius work you ever heard? What
was your reaction to it?
"Over the hills and far away".
I appreciated it first on the radio in Japan.
2) How did you further develop an interest in Delius'
I collected a lot of DELIUS LP.
In 1997 I made the site of DELIUS in Japan.
3) Which are your favorite Delius works and in what order
might you rank them (if you're able to)?
What are your favorite Delius recordings?
Favorite interpreters of Delius' music?
THE MUSIC OF DELIUS (Vol. 1-Japanese version)
LPs of the top changed my life.
4) What works by Delius are on your "wish list" - what
have you not heard yet or would like to see a new recording
I want to try to listen to the unpublished works of DELIUS.
5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live?
6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like?
I like his music, even though he passed away at the
age of 24!
7) Any other comments on the music of Delius?
I think the nature of Japan, that I listen to the work of DELIUS.
The bird sings.
The flower blossoms.
The scenery of a beautiful mountain.
Even if the heart of the person changes his music does not
There is deep resignation in his music.
However, the resignation changes to the hope.
Thank you.
Ken Duggan
Presently Cambridge, UK
54 yrs old (as of 2001)
Electronics technician / astrophysics group.
I must have been about 5 yrs old, I was laid down in front of an old
large radio set reading a book , it was a Friday , I remember that
as my
parents were listening to Friday night is music night from the
that time we lived in N.Yorkshire just inland from Scarborough and
Whitby. I think it was On hearing the first cuckoo in
stopped reading and felt somehow stirred by it. Just a few weeks
I heard La Calinda, and that was it, I was hooked.
I heard very little Delius until my mid teens when I could afford to
records, there was a MFP label and another that was
by one
of the tobacco companies. I read two books about Delius, one by one
his brothers and
Fenbys Delius as I knew him. I used to study the Radio
Times (when it
was more about radio !!) to see if any Delius was
on, and then make a
point of listening to it and if possible taping it. on an old
reel to
reel machine.
Then in 1968 I saw Ken Russels film "A song of summer "
on TV,
superb, no other description fits, even if some of the events were
in proper order or strictly speaking accurate. It had the
flavour of Fenbys book.
Very difficult to put in order, I feel deeply about nearly all
music, there is only one piece I actually dislike, "Paris",
Probably tops would be the first of the Songs of Farewell, reading
words whilst listening to this is amazing. A song
before Sunrise and
Song of Summer itself probably come close seconds. Nearly all
the I
would find impossible to score. I dont like the early recordings, The
Halle always seems to be in a rush and the 50s recordings in
Albert Hall with Beecham et al seem to be plagued by people with
influenza or with a hatred of music stands !!
My favourite recording
has to be Hickox with the Bournmouth SO /Bryn Terfil/Sally Burgess
the Songs of Farewell.
As I have virtually all I wish for , the only thing I could wish for
for the BBC to issue a cleaned up video of Ken Russels film
A song of summer. It was repeated a couple of years ago as part
of the
BBCs self congratulatory celebration of 25 years of BBC2.
It was shown one evening and then a few days later shown again. By
time of the second showing they had removed a shot of the servant girl
at Grez, coming in with a bottle of champaigne. For the record
it was
Pol Roger (Which I thoroughly reccomend)
I would like to see the "directors cut" as it were, the original
warts if any and all.
I have never heard any of Delius's music live. But I see there will
be a
performance in Huntingdon in a few months time. Thats only ten minutes
up the road for me. I can hardly wait.
Other composers, Wagner, Mahler, Berlioz , and other
of music
probably Tupac Shackur (Gangsta rap) as on several
tracks he mixes
words and music to make true poetry, just like Delius !
Jean Gibson
(a) What is your name? Jean Gibson
(c) What is your Web Page URL (if applicable)? N/A
(d) Where are you from? London England
(e) What is your age (optional)?
(f) Your occupation? artist and writer
(g) Any other info about yourself you wish to include? daughter of
Delius fan born in Bradford Yorkshire
1) What was the first Delius work you ever heard? What was your
to it?
La Calinda from Koanga
2) How did you further develop an interest in Delius' music?
my father was a musician and played and transcribed a number of Delius
items for piano- he met Eric Fenby. I have my father's original
piano arrangement of Irmelin Prelude. i also have a huge
of LPs and Cds of Delius works
3) Which are your favorite Delius works and in what order might you
rank them (if you're able to)? What are your favorite Delius
Favorite interpreters of Delius' music?
Beecham recordings are good. I love The Walk to the Paradise
Prelude- La Calinda- North country sketches- "Twilight Fancies" - the
about the princess looking down from the tower (which i havent heard in
years and would love to hear again??) Appalachia- Paris song of a city
- Eventyr - the mysterious and unusual poem for orchestra.
4) What works by Delius are on your "wish list" - what works have
not heard yet or would like to see a new recording of?
the particular mentioned song above if anyone knows where i can find
5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live?
endless piano works - Dad played them all the time for me- also Koanga
the opera- A village Romeo and Juliet- many other concerts too in
(I attended the delius centenary concerts with my dad)
6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like? bach,
vivaldi, chopin, liszt,tchaikovsky, mozart and the list does not end
7) Any other comments on the music of Delius?
not the Bradford link which certainly lead to my father's special
in the composer- i would have discovered the wonderful music myself- it
has a french composer sound with the richness of english orchestration-
moody tone poems that create pictures in my mind- it is the rich use of
instruments in the music that specially delights me.
Steve Brown
a) - Steve Brown
b) -
c) - N/A
d) - Originally from Surrey, England, but now living in Edwardsville,
Illinois (St. Louis area)
e) - 39 (as of February 2002)
f) - Professional darts player
g) - Although I have always enjoyed classical music, it is only in
the last 10 years (since I have been in the US) that I have become
with Delius. Here in St. Louis, we have a wonderful radio station in
(Classic 99), and we get more than our fair share of the great man.
1) - The first piece I ever recall hearing was the "Florida Suite"
KFUO. I thought it was a wonderful piece of music, and within a couple
of days, had purchased the Nimbus recording by Boughton. It was a while
before I bought more Delius, although I listened to "Florida" on a very
regular basis.
2) - This will probably seem a little strange, but I suppose the
turning point was the acquisition of a book entitled "Who Lies Where"
Michael Kerrigan, which lists famous graves in the UK. When I
that Delius and Beecham were buried in Limpsfield, less than 30 minutes
from my dad's house in Surrey, I started making regular visits there on
my trips back to England. Incidentally, the Church of St. Peter's is
resting place not only of these two giants of English music, but also
Delius' dear friend Beatrice Harrison, the legendary conductor Norman
Mar, and the Australian pianist Eileen Joyce. For some reason, this
spurred an interest in Delius' life, as well as his music. Naturally, I
have increased my collection of CD's, but have also managed to build up
a nice little library of biographical works. Only last week, I managed
to visit Delius' house at Jacksonville University, and then Solano
What an incredible place that is.
3) - As it was my introduction to Delius, I have to rate the
Suite" as my favorite work. "By The River" evokes such beautiful images
of a late afternoon on the Thames, with punts gently gliding by...
the list is constantly changing, my current favorites would probably be
: 1 - Florida Suite 2 - On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring 3 -
Ride 4 - A Song Before Sunrise 5 - Summer Night On The River As far as
particular recordings, I have to go with Boughton's "Florida Suite". I
also found a wave file on a CD-ROM of "First Cuckoo". I have no idea
it is, but it is clearly a somewhat modern new age electronic
Having said that, the harp sounds genuine, and it has the most
ethereal feel to it. I wouldn't say it's one for the purists, but it is
an absolutely incredible recording. As far as interpreters, Beecham
stand out, but Barbirolli and Handley are both excellent.
4) - As far as a wish list, I simply want whatever Delius I can lay
my hands on!
5) - Sad to say, I have never heard any Delius live. Due to my
getting to concerts can be very difficult for me as I am competing (or
traveling) most weekends.
6) - I have a very broad taste in music, listening to everything
rap! With regard to classical music, I enjoy most styles, particularly
baroque and choral. I am very fond of most English music, with favorite
composers being Holst, Vaughan-Williams and Arnold. My current best
non-Delius pieces would probably be : 1 - Tallis Fantasia (RVW) 2 -
(Allegri) 3 - Ave Maria (Caccini) 4 - Cavatina (Myers) 5 - Rhapsody In
Blue (Gershwin) 6 - Night on Bare Mountain (Mussorgsky) 7 - A Grand,
Overture (Arnold) 8 - Symphony No. 5 (Shostakovich) 9 - Carmina Burana
(Orff) 10 - Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)
7) - I have never heard any music like that of Delius; I just wish
more people were aware of his existence, particularly in England.
Tony Watts
(a) Tony Watts
(c) None
(d) Bridgwater, Somerset, U.K.
(e) 61 (as of March 2002)
(f) Library assistant
(g) I have four children and six grandchildren and I’m a published
At risk of seeming to boast, I’d like to mention here that I wrote a
about Delius which won first prize in a national poetry competition.
1) On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring. My first experience
of Delius was much the same as that described by Philip Heseltine and
Fenby in their books. It was a revelation.
2) I was fourteen. I saved up my pocket money to buy as many
of Delius as I could get hold of. I also read any relevant
that came my way, e.g. books by Heseltine, Fenby and Arthur Hutchings.
3) Delius’s most exquisite short pieces are the two most often
- The First Cuckoo and The Walk to the Paradise Garden. I would
include amongst my favourites the whole of A Village Romeo and Juliet,
Sea Drift, Songs of Sunset, A Late Lark and (in glorious refutation of
those who claim that Delius wrote only ‘soothing’ music) the most
piece of music I know - the opening chorus of A Mass of Life.
of course, there are many beautiful songs and chamber works I could
I think perhaps I should just say that my favourite piece is the one I
happen to be listening to.
I don’t know of anyone who has surpassed Sir Thomas Beecham in the
of Delius’s music, but I am thankful for contemporary performers who
shown an affinity with it, e.g. Tasmin Little and Julian Lloyd Webber.
4) I would like to see complete recordings of all the operas - also
the early unrecorded song cycle Maud, which I once heard performed and
thought to be quite up to standard.
5) I attended the 1962 Delius Centenary Festival at Bradford, which
consisted of a week (or was it two?) of performances at various
Needless to say I attended them all. The works performed were too
numerous to mention but included a complete staging of A Village Romeo
and Juliet. More recently I have heard th Violin Concerto
at Taunton. I belong to the West Country Branch of the Delius
which sometimes organizes amateur performances of the songs and chamber
works, which are very enjoyable.
6) With the obvious exception of Delius, I tend to have favourite
rather than composers. These include Tchaikovsky’s Sixth
Barber’s Adagio for Strings, Fauré’s Elegie, Rachmaninov’s
and two extremely moving song cycles, Peter Warlock’s The Curlew and
Williams’s On Wenlock Edge. It should be obvious from this list
I share with Delius a preference for music which is deeply felt and
the emotions directly. The appeal of music to the intellect is of
only secondary importance to me. I have an affinity with what one
might call the ‘Delian’ portion of the emotional spectrum. Music,
for me, has always been a kind of drug that transmutes sadness and
into beauty. As such, its appeal transcends conventional
barriers, so I must also mention here the jazz trumpeter Miles Davis,
his work with the Gil Evans Orchestra. I like a lot of folk
especially Irish, but I ‘m sure the most beautiful little-known
in the world are sung in Scots Gaelic and have been recorded by the
group Capercaille.
7) I find it inexplicable and annoying that Delius has never been
into the select company of those who are considered to be the world’s
composers. He has never become part of the established cannon.
is surprising as (to paraphrase the well-known lager commercial) his
‘reaches the parts that no other music can reach.’ In trying to
the character of Delius’s music, one tends to come up with things like
‘contemplative’, ‘nature mystic’, ‘the transience of beauty’, etc. -
these are just words and their inadequacy becomes overwhelmingly
whenever the music is heard.
Mark Parry
a) Mark Parry
d) Mid Glam S Wales U K
e) 48 (as of March 2002)
f) Caregiver
1) The first piece of Delius I heard was The Song of the high
hills. I can remember it as if it was yesterday. It was in 1971,
I was 18 yrs old. I'd just tuned into BBC Radio3 and what I heard
just bowled me over. I'd tuned in just before the first climax of
the work [the flute triplet figures at position 8 in the score].
My reaction to the music was somewhat mixed: firstly, I found the music
extremely beautiful, and profound, but at that time it seemed somewhat
2) After that first hearing I decided to find out as much as I could
about the composer. At that time in 1971 there were few
records available locally, so I wrote of to HMV in London for a
,and they sent me a list of his works.
The first record I bought was of Brigg Fair The first cuckoo in
etc conducted by Anthony Collins on a Decca label.
3) My favourite Delius works are: The Song of the high hills
country sketches
Favourite recordings are North Country Sketches Royal Liverpool
by Sir Charles Groves.
Song of the high hills R P O Beecham
Favourite interpreters are Beecham .Collins.Norman del Mar .Sir Charles
Groves and Eric Fenby.
4) I'd like to get hold of the suite from Folkeradet.
6) Other composers I like are: Arnold Bax, Roger Quilter[childrens
Resphigi , [Pines of Rome etc]
7) With so many so called great composers Mozart, Beethoven, etc.,
know from the structure of the music what is coming next. With
there is always the element of surprise; he leads you into unfamiliar
and, in his greatest music we become held , as if in a dream until that
dream fades away.
Delius is to my mind the greatest Nature poet of them all, and long
may his music continue.
a. David Bugbee
c. n/a
d. Longmont, Colorado, USA
e. 52 (as of March 2008)
f. Information Technology
g1. "On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring" was, I think, the first
Delius piece I ever heard. I liked it right away.
g2. The PBS movie "Song of Summer" sparked my interest in Delius. Then
I purchased an Angel LP called "English Tone Poems," which included
"Walk to a Paradise Garden," "Prelude to Irmelin" and "Song of Summer,"
as well as music by Bax and Ireland. From that point on, I actively
sought out any Delius recordings that I could find.
g3. Probably my favorites are "Florida Suite," "Appalachia," "Walk to
the Paradisse Garden," "Winternacht," "Brigg Fair" and "Hassan."
But that is tough to say, I am very fond of other pieces also. The
Angel LP "In a Summer Garden" is one of my favorite Delius recordings.
Sir John Barbirolli is probably my favorite Delius interpreter.
g4. I would like to obtain all of his tone poems.
g5. Unfortunately, I have never heard any of his works performed live.
g6. Wagner and Tschaikowsky are my favorite composers. I tend to favor
the German and Russian Romantics, as well as Delius and Sibelius.
g7. I don't care for everything he wrote. However, he wrote so many
excellent winsome pieces (generally, I favor his short orchestral
pieces over his vocal works) that I rank him as one of my top favorite
composers. His favorite pieces stir something in me that no other
composer's music has ever done.
(a) What is your name? TJ Pridonoff
(c) What is your Web Page URL (if applicable)? N/A
(d) Where are you from? Southern California
(e) What is your age (optional)?
(f) Your occupation? Student
1) What was the first Delius work you ever heard? Vernon
Handley's recording w/the Ulster Orchestra of the Florida Suite &
North County Sketches (w/ a couple others w/ the LPO) on Chandos
Collect. It didn't get a great review at, but I
really liked Handley's recordings of BAX, BLISS, MOERAN and STANFORD
for Chandos (plus Elgar and Vaughan Williams for EMI CFP), so I decided
to check out his Delius Disc on the label.
2) How did you further develop an interest in Delius'
music? Growing as a fan of the conductor Handley, I branched out
to a couple of his other discs of Delius works that he did for EMI
Classics For Pleasure (w/ the Halle Orch, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic
& London Philharmonic). The work that moved me the most was the
Piano Concerto that Handley recorded w/ the Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic and Piers Lane.
3) Which are your favorite Delius works and in what
order might you rank them (if you're able to)? Not familiar
enough with the music at this time, but as mentioned above, Piano
Concerto stands out.
What are your favorite Delius recordings? I've liked
what I've heard so far but I haven't purchased anything further.
Favorite interpreters of Delius' music? I've only heard Handley,
but I've heard some say Mackerras is the "best", I hope to get his CFP
disc of the Cello Concerto and Double Concerto shortly.
4) What works by Delius are on your "wish list" - what works have
you not heard yet or would like to see a new recording of? I don't
really know what is "missing" from the discography. Certainly would
love to see a reissue of the Unicorn disc with Handley conducted the
Violin Concerto as well as a couple other pieces for Violin and
5) What are some Delius works you have heard performed live? None
6) What other composers and/or types of music do you like?
Everything but rap and country. Too many composers to list. Fav.
classical composers are Bax and Copland. Most CDs I have are either
film scores/re-recordings or Classical Music, but also a fan of rock
music, but sold most of those CDs as I usually just listen to mp3s on
my computer for that type of music. Like some jazz too.
Joe Shapiro
Joe Shapiro
Kansas City MO, USA
Computer Programmer
First heard a synthisized recording of
Delius sonata no. 2 on a web site.
Heard a real recording of Deluis sonta no.
2 at the library then bought Tamin Little’s recordings of Delius. I
performed the Sonata No. 2 and working on performing the last movement
of the 1914 Sonata.
Order of favorites is Violin Sonata en si,
Sonata No. 2 then the 1914. Like much of the orchestral works.
Not heard any performed live, but would
like to.
Mainly Violin Conertos and composers like
Wieniawski, Dvorak and Prokoviev. Also, like the Bach and Corilli
His music for violin is very eloquent and
also mysterious. It would be good if the Delius sonatas could be
purchased, but most are out of print.
a.) My name is David grundy.
d) swindon, wiltshire, england
e) I am 12 (as of January 2001)
f) Student
1.) The 1st Delius work I
heard was on hearing the 1st cuckoo in spring. I liked it, but it
gradually grew on me until I loved it.
2.) I also heard walk to the paradise
garden, and so I borrowed a cd of delius music from the library and was
3.) My favourite works are;
1.) Brigg Fair
- Here he has painted a wonderful picture of peace and serenity on a
summer's afternoon, with a cool, refreshing river flowing by.
2.) On hearing
the 1st cuckoo in spring -The most famous delius work, and justly so
4.) I would like to hear
Appalaicha, sea drift... really, just all the delius music I haven't
6.) I like impressionist music (eg
Debussy, Ravel) and Tchaikovsky but my classical music taste
encompasses many styles, from baroque to bruckner
7.) His pastoral music has no equal except
among Vaughan Williams.
He paints beautiful musical pictures similar
to Monet and his music has the ability to totally relax the listener.
Marc Hofstadter
a) Marc Hofstadter
c) No web page
d) I was born in New York City and went to college in Pennsylvania but
moved to California during the "Summer of Love" of 1967 and have lived
here ever since. I currently live with my partner in a retirement
community in Walnut Creek, California.
e) 64 (as of 2010)
f) Poet and retired librarian and university professor
g) I've published five books of poetry, all of which are available on House of Peace, Visions, Shark's Tooth, Luck and Rising at
5 AM. I'm currently working on a book of essays. I have a Ph.D. in
literature from the University of California at Santa Cruz and have
taught American literature at Santa Cruz, the Universite d'Orleans (on
a Fulbright) and Tel Aviv University. For twenty-five years I was the
librarian of the City of San Francisco's mass transit agency. Having
come from a musical family--my mother was a concert pianist and my
father a philosopher of art who also played the piano--I was steeped in
music early. When I'm not writing poetry, I'm usually listening to
1) Sea Drift was my first Delius. I was listening to Vaughan Williams
and Britten and decided to try Delius, so bought the Mackerras Sea
Drift and Florida Suite. I was bowled over by Sea Drift's power and
emotion, as well as by its felicitous use of the Whitman poetry. Here,
I thought, is a great work that is neither Romantic nor Impressionist
but unique!
2) I'm a neophyte, having listened to Delius for just a few weeks as of
today, 1/26/10, but I'm acquiring all the Delius CDs I can and
listening non-stop.
3) My favorite Delius works are Sea Drift, the Florida Suite, On
Hearing the First Cuckoo of Spring, Songs of Sunset and Songs of
Farewell. My favorite recordings are the Mackerras and both Hickox Sea
Drifts, the Mackerras and Beecham Florida Suites, the Beecham Cuckoo,
and the Terfel/Hickox Songs of Sunset and Songs of Farewell.
4) I haven't heard any of the operas and would like to.
5) I haven't yet heard any Delius performed live.
6) I have Catholic tastes: my favorite composers, aside from Delius,
are Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin, Verdi, Wagner, Bruckner,
Mahler, Schoenberg, Bartok, Webern, and Elliott Carter. I also enjoy
jazz--Louis Armstrong, Lester Young, Miles Davis--and rock 'n'
roll--Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Doors and, more
recently, Macy Gray.
7) I feel a kinship with Delius which, I think, shows itself in my
poetry. My poetry, like his music, is mysterious, poignant,
understated, and in love with Nature. If only I could do a hundredth as
well in writing poetry as he did in composing music!
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