The Delius Society
Philadelphia Branch
3432 Bleigh Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136 USA
Bill Marsh
12 Farmington Place 
Newtown, PA  18940 
Phone/FAX: (215) 968-5979


After 42 years, The Delius Society (Philadelphia Branch) will suspend operations after the April 22 concert due to declining and aging membership.   Besides promoting the music of Frederick Delius, the Society has featured programs of English composers including many local premieres.   Inquiries about the use of our large music library are welcome.   Contact the Chairman, Bill Marsh at 215-968-5979.


The Delius Society, Philadelphia Branch, Inc., was founded December 11, 1976, as a branch of the British Delius Society. Incorporated in 1978 as a non-profit educational organization, the Society has been independent since that year. The Delius Society seeks a wider appreciation of the music of Frederick Delius and his contemporaries.  Each year The Delius Society presents a variety of public concerts, film programs, lectures, symposia and often cooperates and encourages other performers or ensembles to perform Delius works.  Social activities often accompany these events.

The Delius Society maintains a large library of scores, books, videos/films, and recordings, which serves as the primary resource for British music in Philadelphia.  Upon appointment, researchers or those preparing public performances may examine The Delius Society's holdings.

FAREWELL ISSUE of THE DELIAN newsletter (Summer 2018) with historical information and color photos from past events

Excerpts from previous issues of THE DELIAN

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