CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION on the Delius Society - Philadelphia Branch
Editor of "The Delian" Newletter: Harold J. Diamond
You may phone the chairman, Bill Marsh, at (215) 968-5979.
This organization regularly publishes an excellent newsletter featuring
record reviews and news of interest to Delius fans. The Society also
musicales and other events in the Philadelphia area.
The English Delius Society publishes a quarterly journal of the
quality. Back issues of The Delius Society Journal are also
available for purchase. The Society also organizes meetings, site
visits and other events for members.
Web Page:
The West of England Branch holds regular meetings for Society members in their area.
The website features some very good photos from the various Delius
around the world.
Telephone 0171 436 4816
Fax 0171 637 4307
Technically the Trust administers the estate of Jelka Delius which comprises the rights in the works of Frederick Delius. The Autograph manuscripts are now in the British Library having been donated by the Trust in 1996. This was done in order to ensure their preservation and to make them more generally accessible to scholars - the Trust has very limited space so is only able to accommodate researchers by prior appointment in very limited numbers.
The Trust is essentially a funding organisation for projects which are initiated elsewhere. Publications, recordings, and performances are considered for underwriting through the auspices of the Trust. Anyone who wishes to apply for funding for a Delius related project must first obtain a copy of the guidelines which is available for Marjorie Dickinson at the above address.Recaps of
Delius Festivals since 1961