An Outline of
by Robert Threlfall (1977, with 1986 supplement)

Delius' works may be referred to using the Robert Threlfall (RT) catalog system as a guide.
For example, the piano piece "Badinage" is in Section IX, number 4, so it is: RT IX / 4.

I. Dramatic works:
1     Zanoni
2     Irmelin
3     The Magic Fountain
4     Koanga
5     Folkeraadet
6     A Village Romeo and Juliet
7     Margot la Rouge
8     Fennimore and Gerda
9     Hassan

II. Works for voices and orchestra:
1     Mitternachtslied Zarathustras (The Midnight Song of Zarathustra)
2     Appalachia
3     Sea Drift
4     A Mass of Life
5     Songs of Sunset
6     The Song of the High Hills
7     An Arabesque
8     Requiem
9     Songs of Farewell
10     Idyll

III. Works for solo voice and orchestra:
1     Paa Vidderne (Melodrama)
2    Sakuntala
3     Maud
4     Seven Danish Songs:
           1     Silken Shoes
           2     Irmelin Rose
           3     Summer Nights (On the Sea Shore)
           4    In the Seraglio Garden
           5    Wine Roses
           6    Red Roses (Through long, long years)
           7    Let Springtime come, then
5     Cynara
6     A late Lark

IV. Works for unaccompanied voices:
1     Six part-songs:
           1    Lorelei (H. Heine)
           2    Oh! Sonnenschein (Oh! Sunshine)
           3    Durch den Wald (By the Forest) [von Schreck]
           4    Ave Maria
           5    Sonnenscheinlied (Sunshine Song) [Bjornsen]
           6    Fruhlingsanbruch [Bjornsen]
2     On Craig Ddu
3     Wanderer's Song
4     Midsummer Song
5     To be sung of a summer night on the water
6     The Splendour falls on Castle Walls

V. Songs with pianoforte accompaniment:
1     When other lips shall speak
2     Over the mountains high
3     Zwei braune Augen (Two Brown Eyes)
4     Der Fichtenbaum (The Spruce Tree)
5     Five Songs from the Norwegian:
           1    Slumber Song
           2    The Nightingale
           3    Summer's Eve
           4    Longing
           5    Sunset
6     Hochgebirgsleben (High Mountain Life)
7     O schneller mein Ross ( O faster mine Ross)
8     Chanson (de) Fortunio
9     Seven Songs from the Norwegian:
           1    Cradle Song
           2    The Homeward Journey
           3    Twilight Fancies (Evening Voices)
           4    Sweet Venevil
           5    Minstrel
           6    Love concealed
           7    The Birds Story
10     Skogen gir susende langsom besked (Softly the Forest)
11     Songs to words by Heine:
           1    Mit deinen blauen Augen (With your blue eyes)
           2    Ein schöner Stern geht auf in meiner Nacht (A shining star appears in my night)
           3    Hör' ich das Liedchen klingen (I hear the sound of singing)
           4    Aus deinen Augen fliessen meine Leider (From your eyes flows my song)
12     Three English songs [Shelley]:
           1    Indian Love Song
           2    Love's Philosophy
           3    To the Queen of my Heart
13     Lyse Naetter
14     Jeg horde en nyskaaren Seljeflojte (I once had a newly cut willow pipe)
15     Nuages (Clouds)
16     Deux Melodies [Verlaine]:
           1    Il pleure dans mon coeur (It cries in my heart)
           2    Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit (The sky is over the roof)
17     Pagen hojt paa Taarnet sad (The page sat in the lofty tower)
18     Traum Rosen (Dream Roses)
19     Lieder nach Gedichten von Friedrich Nietzsche (Songs after poems by Fredrich Nietzsche):
           1    Nacht neuen Meeren (Night new Seas)
           2    Der Wanderer (The Wanderer)
           3    Der Einsame (The Lonely One)
           4    Der Wanderer und sein Schatten (The Wanderer and its Shade)
20     Im Gluck wir lachend gingen (In bliss we walked with laughter)
21     Two songs from the Danish:
           1    The Violet
           2    Autumn
22     Black Roses
23     Jeg horer i Natten (I hear in the night)
24     Summer Landscape
25     The Nightingale has a Lyre of Gold
26     La Lune blanche (The white moon)
27     Chanson d'Automne (Song of Autumn)
28     I-Brasil
29     Two songs for children:
           1    Little Birdie
           2    The Streamlet's Slumber Song
30     Four old English lyrics:
           1    It was a lover and his lass
           2    So white, so soft, so sweet is she
           3    Spring, the sweet Spring
           4    To Daffodils
31     Avant que tu ne t'en ailles (Morning Star)

VI. Works for orchestra alone:
1     Florida
2     Hiawatha
3     Rhapsodische Variationen
4     Three pieces for string orchestra
5     Idylle de Printemps
6     Suite d'orchestre (Petite Suite No. 1):
           1    Marche
           2    Berceuse
           3    Scherzo
           4    Duo
           5    Theme with variations
 6a    Suite de 3 Morceaux Caracteristiques (Suite of 3 Characteristic Pieces):
           1    La Quadroone (Rhadsodie Floridienne)
           2    Scherzo
           3    Marche Caprice
6b    Marche Francaise
7     Three small tone-poems:
           1    Summer Evening
           2    Winter Night (Sleigh Ride)
           3    Spring Morning
8     A l'Amore "Love" (or A l'Aurore "Dawn")
9     Petite suite d'orchestre (Petite Suite No. 2):
           1    Allegro ma non troppo
           2    Con moto
           3    Allegretto
10     Paa Vidderne (On the Mountains)
11     Over the hills and far away
12     Appalachia. American Rhapsody
13     La Ronde se deroule (The Dance Goes On)
14     Paris - The Song of a Great City
15     Lebenstanz (Life's Dance)
16     Brigg Fair
17     In a Summer Garden
18     A Dance Rhapsody (No. 1)
19     Two pieces for small orchestra:
           On hearing the first Cuckoo in Spring
           Summer Night on the River
20     North Country Sketches
21     Air and Dance
22     A Dance Rhapsody (No. 2)
23     Eventyr
24     A Song before Sunrise
25     Poem of Life and Love
26     A Song of Summer
27     Irmelin prelude
28     Fantastic Dance

Other orchestral sketches (incomplete):
Mazurka (c. 1891)
On the moors (Impressions of Nature):  Sunday morning on the moors; Mountain poem

VII. Works for solo instrument(s) and orchestra:
1     Suite for violin and orchestra
2     Legendes (Sagen) for piano and orchestra
3     Legende for violin and orchestra
4     Piano Concerto in C minor
4a    Rhapsody for piano and orchestra
5     Double Concerto for violin and violoncello
6     Violin Concerto
7     Cello Concerto
8     Caprice and Elegy for cello and chamber orchestra

Sketches for other works (incomplete):
Fantaisie for piano and orchestra
Second Piano Concerto

VIII. Chamber music:
1     String quartet (1888)
2     Romance for violin and piano
3     Sonata in B for violin and piano
4     String quartet (1892-3)
5     Romance for cello and piano
6     Sonata no.1 for violin and piano
7     Sonata for cello and piano
8     String quartet (1916)
9     Sonata no. 2 for violin and piano
10     Sonata no. 3 for violin and piano

Sketches for chamber works (incomplete):
Vasantasena for violin and piano (c. 1890)
Sonata for violin and piano in C (c. 1923)

IX. Pianoforte solos:
1     Zum Carnival
2     Pensees melodieuses (Pensive melodies)
3     Norwegian Sleigh Ride
4     Badinage (Danse lente)
5     Two piano pieces:
           1    Valse
           2    Reverie
6     Dance for Harpsichord
7     Five piano pieces:
           1-2    Mazurka and Waltz for a Little Girl
           3        Waltz
           4        Lullaby for a Modern Baby
           5        Toccata
8     Three preludes:
           1    Scherzando
           2    Quick
           3    Con moto

Other unpublished piano solos:
Presto leggiero

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